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  • Writer's picturemartievans

It's a...GIRL!

WHAT??? The recent events had everyone, including Dr Pam, prepared to welcome a little boy into the world. With the baby’s diagnosis of cysts on the right kidney, the decision was made to induce Lauren almost 3 weeks early. She and Chris had agreed shortly into the pregnancy to not find out the sex of the baby. It really didn’t matter. A third boy would be fun and a girl would be a thrill, but after having their last baby die in the womb, what really mattered is that the baby would live.

The discussion with Dr Pam about the plan they were formulating to bring the baby early included her mentioning whether or not to do the circumcision right away. It raised a question in Lauren’s mind as to to why Dr Pam was letting them know the baby was a boy when they asked not to find out. The next day the whole family, with Nolan and Dylan in tow stopped in at Dr Pam’s office and she told the boys they were going to have a new brother. With that said, everyone was sure the baby was a boy. Somehow, it seemed, that Dr Pam forgot that Chris and Lauren didn’t want to know the sex of the baby.

With the recent enlarging of the baby’s kidney, once again the sex really didn’t matter, so everyone prepared for a boy. “My three sons” was what I thought and maybe someday, Lauren would be pregnant again and God would grant her the sweet desire of her heart: to have a daughter.

The laboring was not easy. 23 hours long with a migrane headache that was impossible for Lauren to bear and impeded medication to speed things up. So long, so hard. All the paperwork was filled out in blue for a boy, all the nurses were ready, when suddenly, in 5 minutes Lauren dilated from 5 to 10 cm and out came…A GIRL! Stunned, shocked, in disbelief were the nurses, Dr Pam and Lauren and Chris.

Upon further discussion, Dr Pam thought Lauren had told her it was a boy and in reality she never did. Oh my! So, why not stun everyone else??? Chris made the calls, announcing the baby’s arrival, and declaring they were going to share their new baby's name when everyone arrived at the hospital. Well, that was at 5 a.m. I had to wait for Nolan and Dylan to wake up, so I showered, e-mailed, face-booked, then called who I needed to, sharing the baby was here and it was a boy!

Chris’ parents made their phone calls, as well. Imagine my surprise when Nolan went in first and then told me the baby’s name was ALISON. Now, that didn’t sound like a boys name. Then it registered; I looked at Lauren and Chris and heard them say, “It’s a girl!”. There was Joy, their nurse tending the baby…I insisted she take off the diaper so I could see for myself. INDEED, Alison is a GIRL! 7 lbs., 7 oz., 20 inches long. Born 8-01-10 at 4:47 a.m. Perfectly formed by the hand of God.

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfuly made.” Psalm 139:13-14

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