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  • Writer's picturemartievans

Bleeding Heart

"God is not curt," said my spiritual mentor, referencing one of his recent teachings. "curt" - rudely brief, abrupt, terse ( No. He is not. He calls men to bless women, not curse them. Yet, He calls me, not to vengeance, but to bless those who curse me. My flesh, my will does not want to do this. So, I rest in the Spirit that dwells within me. "Rest, Marti. I have this and I have you." My Jesus, from the cross was not speaking from His flesh, from His own will. No, that flesh was shredded and dangling from His bones. Bludgeoned, He was. The words He spoke from

the cross were of the Spirit. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." I echo these words of my Jesus. My heart bludgeoned and dangling in shreds. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." "Men should be careful, lest they cause women to weep, for He counts their tears." - Rabbi saying Weeping...

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