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  • Writer's picturemartievans


Her hair, a luxurious, wrinkled cascade of ebony. Her eyelashes were made of mink, two inches long, heavy and hard to see through, she said. And her heart. Spilling over with the Spirit.

A harrowing few days. A hand full of second degree burns. Doctors of urgent care. Surgeons of possible skin grafts. Scales of pain from 1 to 10. Maybe 25.

Travel by car, shuttle and plane. The first moment to sit and catch my breath.

"Honey, are you ok? Your hand is hurt!"

She came to take our order, or so we thought.

Tears trickled down my face.

"Come here momma, you need a hug." She bent down, pulled me to her chest, wrapped her arms around me, stating people tell her that her chest is like BIG pillows. I told Yvette how precious it was that she could see me. Her response: "That's our problem. We don't see each others suffering. I am so sensitive. I feel it...I feel others pain."


And I laughed through the tears for the first time in the harrowing few days. Of burns and bandages and doctors of urgent care.

"Get the catfish," she said and we did.

But we got so much more.

Yvette invited us to her church the next morning...and we got a little taste of heaven.

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

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