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  • Writer's picturemartievans

Rejoicing with the Angels

Lisa and I arrived back in PA late last night. Some friends used her cottage in the Thousand Islands over Memorial Day weekend, and it was discovered that a family of minks took up residence for the winter. Lisa asked if I’d accompany her to assess the damage and schedule repairs, etc.

Through many tears, much hard work, meeting with contractors, zoning officials, realtors, shopping for new bedding, paint, flooring, etc, we have lived in the favor of God.

Along the way, we shared the good news of Jesus.

Tom. Aaron. Tiffany. Don. Evan. And others whose names we don’t know, yet are fully known by God.

On Monday night, upon returning from a long day, we sat at the kitchen table with Bridget, the neighbor next door, who agreed to oversee the work Lisa contracted and pay the workers as they complete it.

She asked many questions, her heart was open, the Holy Spirit was present. In the most beautiful, natural way, she prayed as Lisa led her to receive Christ and I laid my hands on her.

Her face glowed, her gratitude flowed.

The Lord had been pursuing her for all of her 72 years, she just didn’t understand, couldn’t reckon the religion she was taught with the truth. In one moment in time on June 22, 2020, the Lord illuminated her heart and her mind and she entered His kingdom as His daughter, forever and ever secure in the palm of His hand.️

"In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke15:10

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