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"I will praise You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done.  I will be filled with joy because of You.  I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High."  Psalm 9:1-2 

"I am writing to thank you for taking the time to open my heart to more of God's love. It was a powerful experience to attend a retreat and see the humbleness and openness of the team. I appreciated Marti's mix of humility, grace, and truth. Her words are filled with the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, bringing truth to heart. I found the courage to take another step toward being my true self in Christ. I appreciated the worship, the prayer, the words spoken by Paula and the ability to meet new friends. The team provided a wonderful spread of food, & warm fellowship. Thank you for providing an opportunity to sit with Jesus and drink from the well!"

~ Kristen, Come to the Well Retreat Attendee

Please join us in praying for the women who attended the retreat. Tears were shed. Stories were shared. Sins were confessed. Prayers and praises were lifted. And freedom/forgiveness was found! To GOD goes all the glory for what happened in those three days.

Crystal, Founder, Hearts United with Haiti

Spending 24 hours in worship with a group of 20 Christian women. I only had met two of them before. The connection was Jesus... simply Jesus. So blessed to worship, cry, eat, play, confess, pray and praise our Savior. 


“I looked forward to this retreat with anticipation and I was not disappointed. God met me in a very special way even though there were tears shed throughout the weekend because of the loss I have suffered. God gave me a new appreciation for all the blessings I have received. God gave me a renewed joy and thankfulness for all the good in my life and helped me to not dwell on the unpleasant. The retreat was just the medicine I needed!” 


“I think it was really cool that Marti Evans spoke at our church women's retreat last year and many in our group were able to gain healing, forgiveness and being able to forgive others. Now this year was about saying Yes to what God has for you. It feels like this is the next step after healing and forgiveness. God has really been at work in the lives of the women at our church.” 


Greetings with peace, joy, and comfort from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Marti!


Wow Marti!  What a weekend of God using you to touch the lives of so many hurting women!  Being transparent and totally honest with God is what He desires.  However, sharing your life's experiences with "unknown women" is quite different.  Risks we take for God's glory!  You sharing very openly about your pain, grief, and sorrow, yet still respecting those who have caused the pain, is a story totally about the grace of God!  Your gentle, non-threatening ways of revealing your grief and God's answers to your heart's prayers in your darkest hours were amazing.  You reminded us again and again that His love for us is "very specific".  For me, the walk and talk time, sharing and learning of the depths of hurts and scars we carry at times, was a lesson of learning to carry one another's burdens.  I think you were concerned that no one would share in the testimony time, only to learn we just kept coming as women's hearts were pounding by the Holy Spirit's leading. 


Sometimes we need "God with flesh on", and you certainly were that to many as they came.  We listened, you shared, then hugged and specifically prayed for their needs. 


I remember a woman, an only child, no relatives, who lost both of her parents within a few years.  I know people have surrounded and supported her, however, she needed "human touch" and on extra special measure of God's grace.  Oh how she wept and clung to us as we hugged her!  I was thrilled that this weekend was an avenue that God used in her life to let her know He has not forgotten her heart's needs.  When I still see her from time to time, I still go to hug her first!  An impression was stamped on my heart concerning the circumstances of her life.


Thank you so much for coming and being so in touch with God that when our water filled sponges of life are being squeezed and pressed by the hardships, that the water that comes out is not bitter and polluted, but refreshing and pure!  May God's grace be lavished upon you!


Always in transformation,




 Marti's testimony spoke measures to every woman there. I was told before that your testimony is the most powerful thing that God gave you to use. Now I truly believe that after hearing Marti's, God used her story to open up the women at the retreat. It was a time of forgiveness and tears, when we women in Christ had a real time of bonding. It was so special and something I will never forget. Her story opened my eyes, even more, to the amazing grace of Jesus because we all need it desparately and in great measures. We most definitely don't deserve it and we can do nothing to earn it. God just loves us that much to pour out His grace and forgiveness on us. Thank you Marti for sharing your story, for making yourself vulnerable in order to bring glory to the Father. You do so with such willingness and grace. God surely used you to work in the lives of the women at the retreat. God will continue to use you to further His kingdom with your powerful testimony. God bless you Marti Evans. You are a beautiful woman of God.



Marti is such an encouraging woman with a genuine love for others and a deep faith in God. Her story is one of finding grace in the middle of the mess, beauty in the ashes, joy in the midst of pain,and being loved and redeemed by a God who knows us by name. 

When I heard Marti speak and tell her story, I smiled, I cried, and I was amazed by how God just shows up. It was an encouragement to me to continue to believe that no matter what we're going through, no matter the struggle, He is there, calling us to a deeper place of faith and trust. 



I attended a women’s conference where Marti shared her story. Her pain and sin in her past stirred up memories and feelings I pushed down and tried to think they weren’t a part of my own past. I already had been a Christian for many years prior to this point but it was revealed to me in a new way exactly what Jesus Christ has saved me from. Just by the way she shared her story I realized how valuable the Savior is and just how loving he has been to me. I repented of my sins before but instead of focusing how God changed me, I tried to forget that my sins and pain were a part of me. I realized it’s healthy spiritually, to remember and acknowledge what Jesus Christ has saved us from and how much we need salvation and a deep relationship with him.

I did know what a wonderful story I have to share because God is so good. I actually prayed for several, probably at least 10 years that I’d be able to share my complete story. I was given that chance when we partnered up at the conference and I knew that I had to. I felt like the Lord didn’t want to leave any part of it out while telling. So I bared my soul to a women I didn’t know. God even gave me the courage to share with the whole group. I did however feel like I didn’t need to go into detail in some areas that were so personal. God is so good.

God has given Marti Evans is such a gift for speaking. I liked the way she delivered her story to us. I told her that it seemed like she had been a public speaker for awhile. She then said she was so nervous because it was her first time in a group setting. That really surprised me.


"What a blessing it was to have Marti Evans share her story of God's faithfulness and redemption at South Lebanon's women's conference.  I was so thankful that Marti's obedience to the Lord allowed her to share the raw and real parts of her story to bring glory and honor to our Savior!  It wa a beautifu morning of worship and God's Word with a group of women who were thirsty for more of God's truth and promises.  Thank you, Marti for sharing your faith journey and allowing us to dig deeper into the goodness of God!"


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